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Old November 21st, 2007
ukbobboy01 ukbobboy01 is offline
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ukbobboy01 will become famous soon enough

You know, people like yourself believe that if you can't "browse a host" then that host is not sharing their files, nothing can be further from the truth.

Many junior members have written in this forum saying "as a host can't be browsed therefore it is not sharing", I can only assume they have come to this mistaken belief based only on a "feeling". Simply because they have not read any article, knowledge base or user guide that has made such a claim.

Most senior/knowledgable LW users know that their can be quite a few reasons why a host cannot be browsed but still share their files, for example I have a firewall which, I understand, prevents my shared files from being browsed. Yet, without a doubt, other P2P users such as LW, Morpheus, Sharaza, Phex, etc. can download files from my PC.

I think your annoyance is based on lack of research, therefore it is always best to debate your idea first before making such requests.

UK Bob
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