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Old November 26th, 2007
kazzie1227 kazzie1227 is offline
Join Date: November 25th, 2007
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kazzie1227 is flying high
Default pulling my hair out (placing files into itunes)

Hi i wonder if you can help me. i recently bought an ipod and for the life of me cannot get my limewire music to transfer to my itunes. i have tried all your 4 options that you posted and it still does not seem to work...i drag the songs i want from limewire into the playlist say save as...go to my music and save it there under karen.m3u then go to itunes and say import select the file and it just imports the playlist name and no songs attatched. My flatmate who also has itunes and limewire did the same as what i was doing and hers works. i am using windowns vista homes could that be the problem or is it maybe a setting in limewire or itunes that i need to change...i also have the lastest itunes might that be the problem...

Any help would be greatly appreciated...

Thank you
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