I am not sure how to decribe my issue, but I am going to try and see if someone will be able to help me. First of all, I got a new Mac with Leopard operating system. I have been using Limewire, but how do I know I have the Mac version and not the Windows version installed? I am used to only having PC so I am not sure how to check this on Mac. When I open Limewire after a few searches it starts to "stick". I hit "enter" or search after I enter my song and it does not show up in the toolbar at the top of the Limewire program. I go back to "search" and see it still sitting in the field so I click again...nothing and then finally about the 3rd or 4th time it works. What's going on with this? SOmetimes if I shut it off and reload it it stops for a little while, only to restart doing that again. Then when it finally does show up in the "toolbar of searches that are in progress" there are three of them and only the third search starts to list songs found. So can someone help me out with this?
The second issue is that my fiance and I use the same computer. I have all the music go into iTunes from limewire directly after a download, which is great for me, but he logs on as a different user...I want him to be able to use the songs as well, but only the ones he wants..... not all of them. Is there a way to do this so that when he logs on he can get all my songs as well without uploading them every time and then having doubles of songs or tripples and having to go through thousands of songs to delete them? Any tips with this would be helpful.