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Old March 24th, 2002
FuManchu FuManchu is offline
Join Date: March 8th, 2002
Location: Washington State
Posts: 11
FuManchu is flying high

Dude, don't be an ***!

Someone asked for information not your lame, unknowledgeble, and arrogant response.

You most certainly need to use firewalls when you use Linux, especially when you use distros like Redhat & Mandrake, which have so many things most people don't need running on default installation, like Apache, ftp, & linuxconf daemons.

So try to be nicer, especially when you don't know what you are talking about.

Originally posted by Unregistered
Picture this, someone has to connect to someone else, that's P2P.
To connect to someone you need a open port to connect to.
If both sides are hiding behind a firewall and are too stupid to learn to open a port, neither can talk to the other.
So stop running windows and quit being scared of every little hacker out there. Bill gates has known about all these security issues for years and hasn't done anything about them, why would you want to run a pile of crap OS like that?
Dump his crap. New Red Hat and Mandrake are out and include lots of already loaded software like word processors, browsers and more.
All for FREE!
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