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Old December 5th, 2007
Toxic Toxic is offline
Join Date: December 5th, 2007
Posts: 1
Toxic is flying high
Default Connection Problem

I'm new here, and realize that there are about a million threads about connection problems already, but I can't understand the lingo, so even if a solution was written somewhere applying to my exact situation.. I would have missed it. Sorry!

I just got a laptop, I'm connected by DSL. I tried earlier with installing Limewire..twice, and both times it wouldn't connect. So I uninstalled it and then read that Frostwire is compatible with Vista (I originally thought they were incompatible, and that's why it stopped working).

I now installed FrostWire 4.13.3 and am experiencing the same problem. It says "Starting Connection" but clearly isn't trying very hard.

Also, the little blue globe icon beside has a brick wall in front of it, which I read could be a problem with the router? But I don't know at all what that even means.

I checked my Firewall settings and clicked "allow" for everything. But then again, I know nothing about that either.

I use "Windows Firewall With Advanced Security" if that's of any importance.

And also I tried clicking "Disconnect" under File and reconnecting.

If anyone can tell me how to fix this it would be greatly appreciated.
And if you could please avoid "Go into your USiio0j file under task management and enter 75539 under the USIS37 database" type lingo. Haha. (totally made that up)
I am technologically handicapped.

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