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Old December 10th, 2007
fullmetal_pirate fullmetal_pirate is offline
Join Date: December 10th, 2007
Posts: 5
fullmetal_pirate is flying high
Unhappy question about torrents

Please forgive me if this is posted in the wrong place. Im anot new to limewire but am new to the forums and do not want to offend anyone.

I am a good user, as I give more than I take, but I need someone to give me a tric, tip or answer as to why I am having no luck with torrents. I choose torrents with good health and lots of users, but in limwire they never get me anywhere. I have on in particular that got so far as 64% downloaded, but not will not finish. It says it is downloading from as many as 8 hosts, but at 0 kps. Everything ELSE downloads super fast, and my connection to the network is very strong. I have checked my firewall and all of that. If I could understand why it is happening then perhaps I could fix it. I only really use torrents when I can not find a file available through a search on limewire. Any thoughts? I should add that I considered myself lucky that that one got to 64% ( even though its still useless to me) because the others never began at all.
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