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Old December 12th, 2007
ukbobboy01 ukbobboy01 is offline
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Default Parental Warning


As a parent myself I feel it is only fair to warn you of some potential dangers using LW.

Now, as Birdy said LW is a peer-to-peer application, aka P2P, which means it allows your PC to connect to other PCs on a world-wide scale, while this is great for sharing computer files (such as music, films, etc.) it also has a darker side.

Please bare in mind that most PC users are adults and there are no controls on what adults can or cannot share, this in practice means that there is a lot of pornographic material/files being shared on the gnutella network, fine for adults but no-so fine for under 16s.

I would strongly suggest that if and when your under 16s want to use Limewire just be sure to keep an eye on what they are downloading.

UK Bob

PS. I have not mentioned that there are viruses and worms hidden in some files or available illegal material/files (depending on your local laws) but suffice to say, the gnutella network and Limewire are not toys for children and should not be treated as such.
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