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Old December 18th, 2007
Beecool Beecool is offline
Join Date: December 18th, 2007
Posts: 2
Beecool is flying high
Red face Best way to close Limewire and end Task Manager Processing

Hello All, On other threads I've read some of the ways others close LW..some do by clicking the icon in the taskbar by the clock...others by ctl/alt/deleting. This last way I'm not exactly sure of how to do?? Can anyone explain exactly what is meant by this method?

Also, even after I've closed LW, it still shows in the Task Manager Processes as running, right at the top, using the most CPU's and Memory.
Is it ok to use the "End Process" ?? I'm warned doing this may mess something up???
I changed in Tools/options/system tray to have LW close completely upon shutdown. Is this all that is necessary so it doesn't keep processing?
Thanks for any and all info.
And happy holidays.
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