Hi birdy,
firstly,thank you so much for the follow up..and thanks for the links to the audio-subtitle issue..you're awsome!!!
Ok..back to limewire/downloading speed issue...
i live around 5km away from the exchange port..my line has been known to cause problems but for sometime now,it has been good and kind to me..but that is still debatable on the speed issue
yesterday around 3-ish a.m,my speed improved tremendously(30-40KB/s)..i say tremendously because it's been such a long time since i saw speed as such..and then came a tsunami!!!

..suddenly the speed went up to 311KB/s!!!!!(all speed mentioned refers to downloading speed)..but to my great dissapointment,it was only for a mere 9 seconds...i just couldn't explain this bizzare scenario..i continued downloading until 4.00a.m and throughout the entire time,the speed maintained itself,shifting between 20-30-40(never went up to more than that).maybe downloading during non-peak hours is better cuz less network congestion...
sigh..i'm happy that i managed to download my file eventho i sacrificed precious hours of sleep,but if i have to stay awake every night just to download things because the speed is good then,well..i'll prolly get fired or worst still,turn into a zombie..i'm still figuring that amazing 311KB/s i experienced..wonder whether it could happen again or of there is something i didn't do to keep it that way..
anyways,that all aside,i know this thread could prolly go on forever but you've been extremely helpful Birdy!!!i just want to say a big thank you for the replies so far..i know you have alot of threads to reply but i think you're doing an awsome job!!
here's one last thing i'm going to do..my office has a Riger ADSL Modem 2/2+
DB102 and a Aztech Wireless Broadband Router ( WL730RT4)both are connected to my desktop.i'm going to bring my laptop to the office and see whether the speed is better there.but i don't know how to do a port forwarding with those devices mentioned. could u help me with that??
thanks in advance birdy!!!hope to hear from you soon..