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Old December 22nd, 2007
johnvic(jgv) johnvic(jgv) is offline
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johnvic(jgv) is flying high
Default Sticking after Leopard install

I upgrated my OSX to Leopard and now see the same sticking problem as you, which didn't happen before the upgrade. Also, Limewire fails to monitor download progress–the download indicator stays uniformly blue.

Another thing that's happened to me is that under Leopard my search results have become exceedingly narrow. A search under "audio" media will only result in .mp3 files–any .wav or .aiff ones (which I prefer) aren't found, unless I add that to my search criteria. For example, if I search for [Edit] I'd type: [Edit] and 'positively' and find any shared .mp3 songs. But to find lossless .wav or .aif versions, I have to specifically search [Edit] and 'wav'.

I also have an older Mac with OSX 10.4 (not Leopard) and don't experience any of the sticking problems or narrow search issues described.

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Last edited by ursula; April 16th, 2008 at 01:54 PM.
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