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Old December 23rd, 2007
triumph76 triumph76 is offline
Join Date: December 23rd, 2007
Posts: 6
triumph76 is flying high

How do I get more hosts for quicker downloads?
OK, I am a newby here in the forum. For years I thought my Limewire was set! Cause Limewire is a lot faster then any other peer to peer I have found. However, I am now finding out it was not! Been reading alot in here. I just followed some advice I got on configuring my downloads. Going to 4 stars instead of accepting all. This limits the amount of downloads. BUT I think it may work, Cause of folks like myself, not having limewire set right. I never paid no mind as to if I had a firewall or not, till Christmas has come along and want to burn some DVD's for hubby for Christmas. Just yesterday, I fought, and stuck to what I knew how to do, removing the fire wall. I thought this would help my downloads faster, but it does not! I am only getting 1 to 5 kbs.. I had read in here about how tos'. And going with it, to see if it works.. That is what your going to have to do is read, read, read, like me.. Since setting my options and click on searching, click that on, and see if you got it clicked to "all" or limit yourself to 4 stars. Either way, I have found depending on who has what how they have their Limewire set. You will get like 30 folks, but that is not saying it is faster. I see no difference myself in the KB's download. Hope this helps.. Cause I am trying to get faster downloads, more then I am wanting to get like 30 people to download from. cause to me it is no faster if thats what your looking for. I am definatly no pro here, but a person who is trying to get it right.
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