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Old December 25th, 2007
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birdy birdy is offline
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You've posted onto a Mac thread I'll move yours into Vista support.

If you ever have the problem, during installation, of the 'back' & 'next' buttons missing...try the advice in the thread below. It's for XP but might also apply to Vista.

I'm a bit confused about what's actually happening for it that your LW (Pro that installed properly) still won't launch & gives you the error that it can't launch executable?
The 2 icons on your desktop after installation...1 is the installer & the other one (shortcut) is the shortcut to LW. So you need to double click on the shortcut icon & not the installer (should be no need to keep reinstalling).

How did you originally uninstall LW? If you did that via Add/Remove programs (sorry, I have XP & don't know the Vista equivalent) then that can cause problems. The correct way to uninstall LW is via Start > All Programs > LimeWire > use the uninstall option.

So I'd suggest that you uninstall Pro the correct way, then use your computer's search to look for all files & folders with limewire in the name & delete what you find (make sure that your search includes hidden files & folders, subfolders & isn't case sensitive). Reboot & then reinstall Pro.

If LW still won't launch, right click on the desktop icon (shortcut one) > properties > compatibility & try running in compatibility mode for XP.

If I've misread your problem, sorry...just slap me
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