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  #157 (permalink)  
Old December 27th, 2007
anynoumous anynoumous is offline
Join Date: December 27th, 2007
Posts: 2
anynoumous is flying high

i am also worried. I am 14, and like that other guy i am normal sh*t i have many freinds and like lots of ppl my age i look at porn. I use limewire every once in a while and i am shocked when i see that weird porn in the serch results, so last night i downloaded one of a 15 yr old and i then deleted it about 1 minute after it finished downloading i only downloaded it to see if it was real and im not sure it was. I also downlaoded one about a girl and a dog and it was real, so after that i googled wierd porn on google and found this thread i was not concerned but after seeing all these posts i am very concerned, so what is the chance that i willget caught over 1 file.

btw i used eraser and erased limewire and itunes, which is where the files are from. do i need to somehow get the actual files in the trash then do it or will deleting limewire also delete the files from limewire?
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