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Old December 29th, 2007
Cyrano Cyrano is offline
Join Date: December 20th, 2007
Posts: 5
Cyrano is flying high
Default Download stuck at 99% for over 2 weeks despite best efforts

I was downloading a 3.5gb torrent file, and all was going well, with transfer speeds up to 250kbs. When the file neared completion, it slowed, which was not a surprize, but when it reached 99%, download speed fell to 0. It has been 2 weeks now, and transfer speed is still 0, with 99% completion. Number of hosts continues to fluctuate between 10 and 20. I've tried disconnecting hosts and letting LW find new ones without help. I've tried pausing the download and resuming later, with no help. I've tried exiting LW and logging back on, with no help. LW has no trouble finding hosts, but transfer speed remains at 0 and I can't complete the download. I'm presently downloading a second torrent file at over 50kb/s, so it's not a throttling or traffic shaping issue. Am I doing something wrong? Can anyone offer any suggestions? I'd greatly appreciate it.

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