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Old December 31st, 2007
ukbobboy01 ukbobboy01 is offline
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Sorry man but you have missed the point, just because I cannot be browsed that does not mean that I am not sharing.

Time after time, I have said in this forum that I have seen people, by their IP addresses and P2P app that they use (such as LW, Morpheus, Phex, Frostwire, etc.) downloading files from my PC. I have seen this by looking at the "Monitoring Screen" when LW is in action.

So, you have made two misinterpretations:-

a) Just because you can't browse somebody that does not mean they are not sharing because how could you then download from them as others have downloaded from me.

b) Some of us do more important things with our PCs than just use Limewire and so need our protective software, e.g. Firewall, Anti-Virus, Anti-Spyware, etc.

Finally, your main mistake is that you have made an assumption based a misinterpretation of what you have seen, rather than what you have read about Limewire or what an experienced user has told you.

UK Bob

PS. I dislike freeloaders as much as you do but hate being called one just because I cannot be browsed.

PPS. At the moment, Limewire cannot technically identify freeloaders.
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