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Old March 27th, 2002
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Morgwen Morgwen is offline
lazy dragon - retired mod
Join Date: October 14th, 2001
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Morgwen is flying high

Originally posted by Sephiroth

Morgwen again if you want to flame me and make personal remarks do it in a different thread. I dont care you go ahead and post whatever crap you want to in the end i think that it really show yours and moak's because he does it too true character...
Ah yes?

And our point is what?

And again you are talking about flaming... where did I flame?

I said I donīt like you as you did too... hmm... if you say it its an OPINION... then I say it its FLAMING!

And YOU donīt flame???

I think you are telling as usual hot air, many words and NO sense!

You can ONLY discuss with people who say you are right - never with people which donīt agree...

you start to whine and say they flame on you instead of defending your position and prove that you are right with links etc. this my friend is in my eyes BITCHING!

And before you start to whine again I am talking about ALL of our discussions not this here - I donīt want to discuss with you anymore...

you have NO arguements!
