I started seeing problems with NEW VERSIONS of Limewire when I set Limewire to "DO NOTHING" in the Limewire Firewall Router advanced setup and I shut the program down and started it back up and it punched itself into the Windows XP Firewall for full Internet access even when I turned the XP firewall UPnP Framework OFF. I tried setting Limewire in the Windows XP firewall to "only selected IP's" and when I start Limewire up it punches itself into FULL INTERNET ACCESS on the firewall.
I removed Limewire from my XP Pro machine and set up a NT4/500, the old computer runs with just a minimum of hardware and programs that support the use of Limewire (the computer doesn't even have the sound card configured). I don't run Limewire on a computer that accesses my bank account (just doesn't seem like a good Idea).
I have future plans to switch the same computer that is running NT4/500 to a "Free" Linux operating system.
For now... the old NT4/500 will return Browse Host information.