Hi guys
First of all I would like to thank you for your effort in developing Phex.

Now the question: I'm trying to use Phex in a LAN, for a private network (2 PC at the moment) but I've got some problems in the downloading phase, I'll try to explain better (I will report what I did the best I can). As I said I've got 2 computers, the first one (let's call it PCA) has ip, while the second one (let's call it PCB) has ip I started Phex on both computers. On PCB I added a favourite host (PCA of course so, hilight it and then I pressed Connect. At this point on both computers I can see that the connection has been established. From each computer I can see the other one that is connected, and this is ok

Now, from PCA I right-clicked on the PCB entry in the remote host list, I selected Browse host and then I double-clicked on a file name, now the download should start but it get stuck in waiting status. In the download panel I can see the file but the download doesn't start. Selecting the download entry, on the Candidate list there's the status "ignored candidate (push route failed)". This is the log I get (using the instruction read from another thread):
080103 21:43:29,0531::Allocating as medium candidate.
080103 21:43:29,0547::Setting status to Push request... Waiting 0 sec. and raise timeout from 1199393009547 to 1199393039547(30000) Reason:null. OldStatus: WAITING
080103 21:43:29,0547::Setting status to Connection failed (1). and raise timeout from 1199393009547 to 1199393129547(120000) Reason:null. OldStatus: PUSH_REQUEST
080103 21:43:29,0547::Moving candidate to bad list (ignoring).
080103 21:43:29,0547::Setting status to Ignored candidate (push route failed). and raise timeout from 1199393009547 to 9223372036854775807(9223370837461766260) Reason:CandidateStatusReason_PushRouteFailed. OldStatus: CONNECTION_FAILED
080103 21:43:29,0547::Push request fails for candidate: [Candidate: Phex,Adr: ->phex.download.swarming.SWDownloadCandidate@c0b5cd19]
Last words just to say that:
- I 've disabled all firewalls;
- I've read this
how to
- I've search a lot in the forum

Thanks in advance for helping

Have a nice evening