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Old January 7th, 2008
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6_pac 6_pac is offline
Psst...over here!
Join Date: April 5th, 2005
Location: Lookin for you
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Hook up your mp3 player to your computer. Look under "My Computer", your player should be listed there. Double click on it and it'll open your player. Now open the folder with your files in it(usually your Shared folder, located at C:\Documents and Settings\"your account name"\Shared).

Then just drag your files from your shared folder and drop them onto your mp3 player.

You won't lose your files once your year is up. You'll still have the program for as long as you want, you just won't be able to update it. If for some reason you lose the Pro version, you can always d/load the Basic(free) version.
If it ain't broke, fix it till it is!
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