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Old January 7th, 2008
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Because there are so few Mac questions asked here, compared to Windows questions & so few Mac users who help here, compared to Windows users.

If your thread's in the Mac section then it has a much better chance of being seen by the 2 Mac users who help here. There might be an issue within your setup which is possibly causing a problem, that only a Mac user would recognise ( eg most Windows users wouldn't have a clue which Java versions Mac users need & I wouldn't have a clue about how to locate the LW preferences folder on a Mac). It was probably me who moved your thread & if it was, I did it so that you'll (hopefully) have an answer sooner rather than later

I could leave Mac questions in the Connection Problems section, but there's a good chance they'd sit there unanswered for a long time

Because Vista's a relatively new OS & there are no regular helpers using Vista at the moment, most Vista connection problems also tend to get sent over to General Vista that fixes posted apply to that OS. Up until a few months ago, we weren't getting too many Vista posts & so they could've got lost/forgotten/ignored within the general Connection Problems section.

Maybe we need to have a connection problems sub forum within the Mac & Vista sections & move the current Connection Problems to within the Windows section, to cover older Windows OSs.

Last edited by birdy; January 7th, 2008 at 07:17 PM.
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