I Have The Same Thing I am having the same problem. I recently just updated to 4.14 and I get no connection at all with UPNP enabled on the Westell Versalink Router. I have done everything suggested in the forums. I have also tried to use port forwarding. It didnt change anything. I am back to my original setting. I downloaded every single peice of mp3 downloading software on the face of the planet. BearShare works along with Morpheous. But I get the stupid redirecting to web page because of some copyright infringement stuff. Why does Limewire not connect. At all. I went as far to get my old dsl modem plug it in to the wall and plug my pc directly to it. Turned off the Windows Firewall. Still nothing. Why doesn't LW fix these bugs for us paying customers of their product. If they don't they will have a lot of really angry people. |