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Old March 28th, 2002
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MamiyaOtaru MamiyaOtaru is offline
Code Mangler
Join Date: March 25th, 2002
Location: Wyoming
Posts: 143
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Ant is not it your path, the system does not know where to find it.
I had the same problem, so I edited the compile.bat file

Now, where it used to say 'ant', it says 'e:\progra~1\jakartaant\bin\ant' Just change your bat file so it point directly to ant.

Also, java was not in my classpath. to fix this, I edited the file in my E:\Program Files\jakartaAnt\bin directory called ant.bat I added two lines:
rem JAVA_HOME must be set
set JAVA_HOME=e:\progra~1\jdk130
so ant would know exactly where java is. Yours of course will be different.

since java is likely in your path already, you will most likely only need to edit compile.bat, but if you get the message "java is not a file or command" you will need to edit ant.bat as well

For some class main in something, it would be helpful to know what 'something' is

****EDIT**** changed the path to ant. Wherever you put it, there shoud be a 'bin' in the path

Last edited by MamiyaOtaru; March 28th, 2002 at 03:28 PM.
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