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  #623 (permalink)  
Old January 13th, 2008
buff shagwell buff shagwell is offline
guru in training
Join Date: January 9th, 2008
Location: Texas
Posts: 8
buff shagwell is flying high

I'm also having trouble with LW lately. I've been using LW for well over a year now and had fairly good success, but it comes and goes. I only dL movie files, could'nt care less about music! I used to keep a around 100 or so files at all times, but recently I've been deleting some to keep my pc running faster. I've always allowed sharing and will continue. My os is on cable/dsl my tested speed is 2295kbps down and 245kbps up as I understand I should multiply by 8 to convert those numbers into bites or bits or whatever the hell! So then I should move the sliders in my options to match these speeds. Well after playing with it I've fallen to like 1 or 2 kbps according to the bottom of my limewire sceen! I was dL files in a matter of hours, now it takes like two freakin days! I'm new to the forum if it is'nt obvious already. I really appreciate being able to be a part of the forum. As far as my system goes, I'm not real sure as to what it is technically speaking! Its a dell dimension 3100 on windows XP hooked up on cable int. about 50miles east of Dallas,TX. I'm in a small town, but not out deep in the woods! Those people out here have to use satelite, so I'm lucky in that respect. Anyways, I need help. I use limewire everyday trying to get those new releases so I don't have to go to the theatres! Lately its been a crap shoot! I always check with bitzi and that helps, but its my DL speed that sucks for some reason! Thanks again everyone in advance!
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