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Old March 28th, 2002
Sephiroth Sephiroth is offline
Gnutella Admirer
Join Date: May 28th, 2001
Posts: 56
Sephiroth is flying high

Originally posted by Unregistered

Sephiroth wisdom: "The users choose which ones survive and which ones fail thats the "invisible hand" at work.. "
OK, so you do agree with us!
No not really. I think that gnuella is doing fine the way it is, you are not forced to use a commerical programs, you can still download off commerical programs and likewise, documentation and information is freely avaible to anyone and all are welcomed to talk about gnutella improvements on the gdf if they so choose so...

I dont see where the problem is. Your complaining because other people choose to use a commerical program? So you want to get rid of the commerical programs and force people to use all open source or non-commerical programs... How is taking choices away from the user by limiting or even getting rid of programs fair to anyone?

Every problem on gnutella cant be solved by throwing "free-code" at it.. Remember only the best programs surivive the bad ones dont.. Truely bad programs shouldnt be expected to be contantly stringed along by other good ones.. Instead the bad programs should improve and compete with the better ones to draw users or fail..

Look at the internet before it was commerized.. Do you really think that you would be able to do everything you do on the web now if it had stayed non-commerical/educational? I think not. Without commerical companies you wouldnt even have the PC...

As for unregistered people. I dont take insults/accusations from "unregistered" people seriously especially since all they want to do is start trouble and anyone intelligent wouldnt take them seriously anyways.. so why should i.

I dont hate morgwen. If he wants to make an ** of himself then fine im not him so i dont really care.. If thats how he chooses to express himself then thats his choice, im not going to take him seriously and over time i dont think that others will take him seriously either..

Last edited by KathW; March 31st, 2002 at 06:10 AM.