Thread: search foiled
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Old January 14th, 2008
mattquist mattquist is offline
Join Date: January 14th, 2008
Posts: 2
mattquist is flying high
Default search foiled

hello, been using LW for 8 mos. w/ no probs whatsoever. then yesterday i made my first playlist and something i did caused new folders that new downloads would now go to. but now that i seach the results are quacky.
i would select a result and it would say i already have that file under a completely differant name so i would delete that other file name it wouild refer to try again to no avail, then i would search another file and i noticed that any search i enter would result in a match of a file that was not a match. and any search result i would receive would have the same KB size file that would say i have that already upon a completely differant filename and file size ????. wonder if anyone knows of a similar prob so that i don't take it personal. thank you all. happy trails and cheerful sharing. matt
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