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Old March 28th, 2002
mrgone4662 mrgone4662 is offline
Gnutella Muse
Join Date: February 3rd, 2002
Posts: 186
mrgone4662 is flying high

Originally posted by Morgwen

Not the best ones survive, the clients with the most money survive!

Xolox was the best Gnutella client and this client didnīt survive because the developers had no money!

Yes all developers can bundle spyware and hire more devlopers and claim then they are the best!

Keep in mind that "best" is still a matter of opinion.

Xolox was the best Gnutella client and it is still in wide use, hence it's not quite dead yet.

That the developer has not enough money to continue it means that with improvements made to other clients Xolox will cease to be one of the best.

Hence, the death of xolox will come not directly from not having money but from the process of not-having-money > to no-longer-being-improved > to falling-behind-in-relative-quality > to no-longer-being-the-best > to death.

The ability to hire full time developers to work on a piece of software isn't a bad thing. You are more likely to get a better product that is upgraded more frequently out of it.

Anyone can claim to be the best, but what matters is if their users are happy with the product. If the users aren't happy, they won't keep using it, then the product will die. If the users are happy, then something is being done right, and the product will live (maybe even making to the "best" catagory).