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Old January 22nd, 2008
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Lord of the Rings Lord of the Rings is offline
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How did you originally remove LW, did you use the LW uninstaller or did you use the Add/Remove programs control panel? The latter is not the way to uninstall LW. Normal process to uninstall LW is: Under the Start menu of your computer -> Programs -> LW -> Uninstall. Else, reinstalling LW will uninstall the previous version at the beginning of installation.

I'd recommend seeing this post: Errors due to mistakenly uninstalling LW using Add/Remove control panel - what to try now (click on blue link). Read from here onward!
This process includes using a register key cleaner (ridding of no longer needed components of programs from the system folder.)

If still no good, try a safe boot & try removing that folder then. My knowledge for windows systems is limited, so someone else may have better advice. But try the above anyways.
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