Sgooglebabe What You ask doesn't really have anything to do with pushing LimeWire to the limits & it's not an easy process to explain:
Atleast not without a detailed walk-through & then each person describing it would have what they would consider to be a better/easier method of operation. As a matter of fact theres probably thousands of forums dedicated to a whole gang of techniques for a Guy to choose from & to help you in that respect here are a few of which I'd consider to be among the best (Doom9/Afterdawn/CDFreaks). You know accomplishing what it is that you ask takes a Guy quite awhile to learn & even longer to master

But there is a relatively new Free pkg
FAVC - FAVC Homepage that comes w/a Front-end & a compilation of free tools,considered by many to be the best at what each does.
I'll do My best to describe it's process: Upon commencement of the batch file the free tools are launched in a sequence which automates the process of calculating bitrates & transcoding 1 or more avi.files as well as creating a customizable menu,resulting in a DVD structured Burn-Ready folder containing mutiple movies & a menu.
Which means,we no longer have to sit by & interact with our multi-avi compilations at each stage of input.
But more importantly for You Sgooglebabe it means that any novice including You can now roll with the big doggs & put 1 or more than 1 full feature movie(avi) & a menu onto a DVD-5 (DVD-R/+R/-RW/+RW) without months or years of sorting thru & studying the various programs & their abilities/inabilities.
In short Sgooglebabe this is the program I recommend for You to try due to it's ease of use!! & abilities.
One note of caution:Just because Favc supports up to 8 avi files doesn't mean You'd want to put 8 full feature movies onto 1 DVD-5,as You'd be using a very high rate of compression & You'd achieve a poor playback quality full of anomalies,but You could put 8 episodes of your favorite sitcom onto 1 DVD-5 & probably be fine.
My rule of thumb (DVD-5 = 3x700Mb avi's) & (DVD-9 = 6x700Mb avi's)
Well Good luck & happy burning.