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Old January 23rd, 2008
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Pointman Pointman is offline
Straight G
Join Date: August 9th, 2006
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Default Restarting deleted incomplete files

True-Dat in regards to Vista, but as for the deleted or damaged incomplete files,well I'd have to disagree And this is why:
I keep a folder inside My Limewire's incomplete folder & I name it #1 with yet another folder inside of #1 that I call #2. and when I have trouble like described above with or without Limewie running I'll COPY the trouble file from within Limewire's incomplete folder & put it inside of folder #2.
Then from within Limewire's GUI I select to delete the original trouble file from Limewires incomplete folder.
So now it's ghost to Limewire (like it was never there).

Next I search via Limewire's(GUI) for a host with that very same file(note size as it must match perfectly) & start a new download of the trouble file.
Once the new download reaches 1%, I copy & paste it(the whole file) into folder#1.

So now I have the original trouble file which is 75% complete in folder #2 & I have a copy of the new 1% complete file in folder #1.
I also make a .txt file & paste the names of both files into it & save it just in case I get em mixxed up.
You got Me so far? all I've done up to this point is a whole lot of copying.
But next I rename the 75%complete file with the 1%complete files name & then close all the folders.

Then I navigate back to Limewires(GUI) which has been running all this time & I close the search I had done eairler & I opt to kill & then delete the newly started download of the 1% file.All this time Limewire's been running & when it was time to delete the 1% file I did it from within Limewire's interface(GUI).

So now comes the part You want to see work rite?
How to get Limewire to recognize & restart the download of a 75% completed file that was originally located inside of Limewire's incomplete folder but somehow got deleted while Limewire was running or not running & is currently thought to be damaged!

Well what I do is this with Limewire still running but minimized I navigate to the folder #2 where the newly Renamed 75% complete file is located & I copy it & then I back My way out of folder #2 untill I'm in Limewire's Incomplete folder & I rite-click & paste it rite there in Limewire's Incomplete folder & then I close that folder too!

Next I navigate back to Limewire's GUI,which of course is still running & has been through out this entire walk-through & I start a new search for the file & once a host is found I will select to download it & of course it starts but at 0% however within 3 to five minutes You will see it rockett to the full 75% complete status & of course before too much longer it will complete & verify.
Now thats how I do it.
Also once the file is complete & in My shared folder & plays without any issues I then & only then delete the files inside folder #1 & folder #2.
Hope this helps ~P~

Last edited by Pointman; January 23rd, 2008 at 08:19 AM. Reason: Title
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