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  #117 (permalink)  
Old March 29th, 2002
Posts: n/a

Originally posted by mrgone4662
Funny considering so far none of you have been able to quote a statement of mine and prove it false. You've just kicked and screamed like little children.
no, many of your statements have been proofen wrong! even most time you have no statements but making down others.

you're *****, you have no idea what Vinnie is doing, you have no own experience with Gnutella and no technical background, but you walk around with a big ego and tell everyone to shut up and listen to you. you don't even know how clustering and disadvantaging of Bearshare works? no, don't answer with a question or make it down... explain detailed what Vinnie does and how it works. And as long as you can't, stop blowing hot air.

Last edited by KathW; March 31st, 2002 at 06:25 AM.