Put all the connection problems expressed by people in this forum & add all the suggested solutions together, & you have me!

I have run out of options to try. I know I can make LW work on an older version ie v.4.12.6 which I have tried between efforts to make v4.16.2/3 work (but without being able to access this forum), but I'd really like to see if I can make v4.16.3 work, so here's the info. Note, I am your most amateur of computer users, so apologies for the dumbness in answering some of the requirements you suggested we submit.
OS: Windows xp
Browser: IE7 (for what that's worth)

Firewall: Norton?
RAM: 512MB
HD space available: 37GB
Modem: ADSL D-Link
LW: Presently 4.16.3
Java: 1.5.0_14 (couldn't find suggested 1.5.0_11) have also tried J2SE RE 5.0_6, & umpteen others

Test site says: "Your test worked"
Sharing connection? - No-one else, I don't think
LW was working great on older version, but since trying new version, no go.
There is a brick wall in front of blue world icon.
Always just the first little connection thingy is blue.
UPnP enabled? Is that the box in Control Panel-Windows Firewall-Exceptions-upnp framework? Just ticked it.
Security program: Norton Internet Security
Country: Across the ditch - NZ
That's it? Hope to hear from you soon. Thanks. I love LW (old version) and I'm sure I'll love the latest Basic freebie version once I get it up and running.