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Old January 28th, 2008
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No, each program keeps its own record of the download %. So if you moved the file into LW's incomplete folder, (1) it will not be listed on the download window, (2) LW's download prefs will not have any record of it & see it as a file with zero % downloaded.

You could always try though. Make a copy of it, put it into the LW incomplete folder, use LW to open the original torrent you downlded with your browser. But I fear it will see it as having zero downloaded %. If it works lets us know.

BTW I am not sure about Bittorrent, but with Azureus, the downloads will slow down if your share ratio is below a certain %. For Azureus it seems to be about 0.7. Also, some people have their torrent program set so their files are not shared with those with a ratio below 1.0 or even higher in some cases. So make sure your share ratio is high.
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