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Old February 3rd, 2008
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Sleepless Sleepless is offline
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well if explorer.exe is closed down then the file hopefully can't freeze the computer when you try deleting the file.

First turn off your internet connection. Then turn off all running programs including Antivirus and such.

Now turn on cmd.exe using the run command Start->Run cmd.exe and press enter.

Open task manager, go to processes tab, right-click on explorer.exe and choose "Stop process" then choose stop anyway when Windows says it could be dangerous.

Now type cd.. and press enter in the command prompt until you end up at C:\

type cd Users and press enter. then cd Danny enter

type DELTREE Incomplete and press enter. And hopefully the Incomplete folder will disappear now.

As for the recycle bin, that can't be done that way. You will need to navigate into the recycle bin same way as above and only delete the file. I think the command for that is DEL filename. Make sure you type the complete filename.

If this doesn't work then let me know exactly what happens. If it works then just go to start new process in task manager and write explorer.exe and press enter, then turn on Antivirus and other necessary programs before connecting to the internet again.

Originally Posted by danny-r View Post
I do not under stand what you want me to do with comand promt whilst havin explorer.exe closed down

the past to the folder is


there is also a file of the same type in the recycle bin, it seems to be the ones that was downloaded before the updated version of limewire, because the one in the recycle bin won't delete.

What if i downloaded the full thing, then deleted the full thing, what do you think?
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