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Old February 9th, 2008
oldbamaguy oldbamaguy is offline
Join Date: December 1st, 2005
Location: Mobile, AL
Posts: 28
oldbamaguy is flying high

TYVM In my waking hours the "shutdown after transfers" occurred to me. This unfortunately brings up the question, if LimeWire is connected, but only on the task bar can NEW uploads start? My small collection of oldies (400) seems to draw quite a few hits. The "speed test" mentioned (for dialup) would not run something about could not run, enter zip code, I did and it said it couldn't find a connection here??
I checked for typoes etc, no success. Also kbps / 8 = kbs is gonna keep me awake tonight. Kilo BYTES Per Second into Kilo BITS Per Second I'm guessing. I never have seen the term kbps before.
For the record, I really greatly admire and respect this operation.
Retired Computer Professional (69)
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