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Old February 10th, 2008
irishX5452 irishX5452 is offline
Join Date: February 10th, 2008
Posts: 2
irishX5452 is flying high
Exclamation Emergency HELP Required Please!!!!! (can't delete file)

OK, I have a very serious problem. Last night I was downloading off limewire pro, and decided to search for some nudie pics *yea, yea, I'm sure I'm the only one to have ever done that*. Anyway I clicked on a couple of mpeg files (no I won't tell you my search criteria) and when they d/l'ed and one of them wouldn't come up, so I looked at the file closer and it has a really long extension with words like child Porn!!!! Naturally I'm freaking out and try to to delete it but it won't delete! or move or anything!! I know others have had almost the same problem, but switching directories etc hasen't worked!!! PLEASE PLEASE PLEASE! Somebody help me get this off my computer, I feel physically sick just knowing a file name like that is on my computer!!!! There has to be a techie that knows how to help you can contact me direct @; Edit yours desperatley, someone who may never look at porn again!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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