Hi there.
You really seem to know your stuff! I have a query I hope you can help me with. I run XP, same as you on a modern machine. I've just recently updated to 4.16.6 and I'm struggling to get the downloaded music to move to the files I want them in.
I am still downloading the music successfully and I am able to locate it in the new folders that limewire is placing it in (see your other threads abouthow to find it etc). My issue is now that limewire is placing the downloads in these new files I cannot seperate them myself into further subdivisions. I'll elaborate;
Previously, limewire put each individual track i downloaded as a realplayer file in the 'my documents' section of my pc. I had a file called 'downloaded music' which when opened had a further set of sub-files split into genre. All of the downloaded music was sat in this file as individual tracks that could be dragged and dropped into the approriate genre sub-file. Now that limewire is sticking my music into these new locations I am unable to do anything with it. Its in those new locations and that seems to be just it. Yes, its nice that limewire provide a media player for the music but its crap and the music cant be sorted. I've tried to follow your instructions and set my document folder as the place that it sends the new downloaded music but to no avail. Any further suggestions??
Thank you in advance
Adam |