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Old February 13th, 2008
fbmii fbmii is offline
Join Date: December 10th, 2007
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fbmii is flying high

Originally Posted by RainmakerNC3 View Post
I am having a problem actually taking off LimeWire off of my system. With Windows XP, everytime that I try to uninstall it the programs goes to a maintenance screen. I then click on Remove all components but I just get sent to a screen that says Maintenance was successfully preformed and then it kicks me out of that part of the program and nothing has been uninstalled!

Is there a way to manually unistall the program or is there a solution to this problem?

Is there anyone who can help me out with this problem? I just want to get rid of the program and I can't!

Please help!!!

T. Cole
I frequently have to uninstall and re-install the limewire program. Never had a problem. Only suggestion I have is to uninstall like you would any other program, then do a search, and finally go back and make sure there is no file with that name in your Program Files. Make sure your search is searching for hidden files. I guess as a last resort if you definately definately are never going to use, and have Nortons Internet Security, treat the entire program as a virus and quarantine it.
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