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Old February 15th, 2008
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birdy birdy is offline
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Hits just shows the number of times that the file's appeared in someone's search results, doesn't always mean that somebody was searching for that exact file

You can't usually find your own files in a search.

I don't know much about the Publish option! But I found this thread & it suggests that Publish is more for getting a Creative Commons license...
You don't have to publish to share files...I'm sharing & I've never used that option.

Make sure that the folder containing your music has been added for sharing (tools > options > sharing) & that the files don't show up in LW's library in red text. Red files aren't being shared. If files are red, right click on the file > share file.

In LW go tools > options > bug reports > view example. Scroll down to 'recieved incoming this session. If it's true, you can recieve connections from other computers & so people should be able to download your files. If it's false, there's probably a problem with a firewall somewhere.

Do you see the firewall icon (brick wall in front of the blue globe)? If you're firewalled, people may have a hard time downloading your files. If you are firewalled & want help with that, post back with your system details.
System details - help us to help you -> Provide these details when you post!!!(click on link)

Last edited by birdy; February 15th, 2008 at 09:59 PM.
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