> Originally posted by Sephiroth
>No my defination of a fair and open gnuella is more like a "market system."
Just like the RIAA, with greed and all, that works real good so far. This isn't a market, it's file trading "get that in your head".
>Programs are not ment to be equal.
You went way off topic with this one, I think a few brain cells came lose.
>Really your not paying the bills to keep the host cache online nor do you have any right to tell anyone how to run their program.
We don't need host caches anymore, remember? Limewire shut theirs down. Gnucleus uses IRC. Open source just whooped right past the pay for clients on this one! We don't need greed!
I think it took Swabby about three days to get "swarming" downloads working, and about 3 or 4 to get ultrapeers going. Shows you that you don't need big bucks to do this.
>I think if it really was a problem im sure that the other developers would have spoken up by now..
They did, they are, they made blocking and choice a reality. Did you help?
>Because i dont think that they need you looking out for their interest thats really their own responisbility..
This is everyone's responsibility and everyone's concern that shares files via P2P. Greed has screwed things up and it will only get worse as more people get on. The more $$ potential, the more people will try to make a buck off of our computer resources. We have to stop this now.
>And no you didnt comment on why its ok for a program like openp2pnet to block gnutella programs and how that make gnutella fair and open..
I will comment. Turn about is fair play. A armed society is a polite society, etc...
You now have a choice, and a weapon against greedy people who want to make a buck off your "fair and open" file trading/swapping.
My concept of fair is when I swap with other like minded people without a thrid party making a buck from my efforts.
I am not "open" to greedy people who think everything I do should make them a buck.
Pay for clients offer nothing if they don't provide a service. Napster provided servers, but that isn't possible on a truly free suit proof swap system and the lawyers are proving it.
As long as no profit is made between two people swaping there isn't much the lawyers can do because money didn't trade hands.
Copyrights were designed to stop those greedy people who printed 100,000 copies of records etc. and sold them for a large profit. Not for the small trader like on P2P for free.
It looks to me that people now have a opportunity to halt the greed before it gets to hard to stop. I hope they realize that this type of opportunity doesn't come along every day. Timing is everything. |