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Old February 19th, 2008
GeoEmm GeoEmm is offline
Join Date: February 14th, 2008
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GeoEmm is flying high
Default Refund but not finished

Maybe it was my announced recording of them on the phone but it turns out, which supplied no useable downloads of the product purchased, nor any workable links or return email addresses, refunded all but their $9.95 -- the same day I called them even though they said it would take 5-10 business days.

But if everybody gives up there, nothing will happen. There's the other $9.95, which is possibly if not probably that outfit's bread and butter. My financial institution advised me to block the debit card, which we did. They cut up the plastic and they may provisionally refund the $9.95 in lieu of contacting the company, themselves.

The inconvenience of my now having to reassign other accounts away from this debit card will be a small one -- if it's the only one that results from this, which is another question.

I am usually a too mild-mannered, easy sell. But this is a wake-up call.
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