Originally Posted by BrendanVennard I have just got a new computer with windows vista on it. i am the admnistrator too. when i go to try and search something up on limewire there is a message that comes up and says " Limewire is currently connecting to a network, search results might not show up until you are fully connected" i have already made the cception in my firewall for limewire. but the think that does not make sense to me is that i have downloaded bittorrent, and it runs fine it downlaods movies fine. also when i go into the connections tab in limewire there is no one there for me to connect to.
could someone please advise me a fix to this problem
Brendan |
Hi try this fix :-
[1] you must show hidden files - click on
limewire link below (how to show hidden files in windows vista)
[2] now look for the Limewire Folder - you will find it here:-
C:\Users\your username\AppData\Roaming\LimeWire [3] Ensure that limewire is completely off (check that it isn't in the system tray-bottom right-if it is click on it and select exit) now open the .limewire folder and look for and delete the gnutella.net file (see image below) If you dont find a gnutella.net file in yr Limewire Folder dont panic just go to para [4] and cont thru to [6]
[4] download a new version from (here) and save it to yr desktop [5 Drag the new gnutella.net file from your desktop into the limewire folder. [6] Close the LW Folder and start up Limewire
If this doesn't fix yr problem:-
Go to Limewire links (below) click on (if LW will not connect) and go through these fixes -- if yr problem still remains after this click on (System details) fill in as much as you can and post here