Ive been using LimeWIre for the past 6 months... but now all of a sudden, everytime I search for something, in the Audio or Video category, I dont get any results. Im a rock fan, so i keep downloading
S**p*n** material. 2 3 weeks back, if I searched for "
S**p*n**", i would get hell of alot of results. But now I dont get a single result. Ive tried searching in all sections, and for all sorts of things. I tried disconnecting and reconnecting. I tried restarting my computer.
About 2 days back I upgraded my limewire to the limewire 4.16.6 and for these 2 days it was working fine, i got all the results for my searches. But again today its back to the usual. I didnt get any results today. Ive tried restarting my computer as well twice, and did everything i could, but i get no results for my searches.

But the stuff that I was downloading, kept downloading. Its just the search thats gone all wonky!! HELLLP!! im a girl, so these stuff r really like rocketscience to me!
thanks so much!