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Old February 24th, 2008
RobertR RobertR is offline
Gnutella Muse
Join Date: February 23rd, 2008
Location: Australia
Posts: 237
RobertR is flying high

FIXED!!!! How I did it is written below.

First I re-installed the old 2002 version of Limewire that had Limeshop in it then went to the Registry Editor (Run: regedit.exe) and from there went to (HKLM\Software\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Run) there I found a reference to Limeshop which previously had not been there after uninstalling Liimewire in the incorrect manner ( I should have used the Windows uninstaller and uninstalled the two references to Limewire in there and then proceed in the manner which I'll try and explain here.
After you find the Limeshop reference in the HKLM Software section, delete the whole reference to Limeshop from there. Then you should see that the reference to Limeshop in the System configuration section [Start-up](Run: config.sys) has been completely deleted and after a restart you can then delete the LimeShop folder in C:\Program Files and everything should be back to normal so that you can run a normal start-up from the normal section (Load all device drivers and services).
The place to find with Run/RegEdit.exe and delete the reference to Limeshop is: HKLM\SOFTWARE\Microsoft\Windows\Current Version\Run
I'm so happy that I finally nailed this problem!
For a while I thought I'd have to resort to using the Recovery Disc to set everything back to the way it was when I made the Recovery Disc set when I first got my computer. (phew!)
The most important part is to re-install that old version again and don't just delete the folder that contains all the LimeShop data.
During the re-istall of the old version it may say that it's trying to install an earlier version of the Java RTE but don't worry! it settles for the current RTE 1.6.0 and somehow?? also automatically upgrades itself to the new 4.17 beta version of Limewire.
(The only hold-up is might be that it insists on having a music download folder in a place other than your ordinary C:\ folder section. I just put a folder called Music downloads in Desktop\Users\robert and everything went along OK.)
Most importantly don't just remove the Limeshop folder from within C:\Program Files as this will prevent you from deleting the reference from within the :System configuration section. (Run: config.sys) Leave the Limeshop folder where it is until you go into your registry editor and delete the section pointing to Limeshop from there.
This problem had me pulling my hair out! But after re-installing the old 2002 version and proceeding as above all the pop-up error messages at start-up have stopped and my system is back to 100%

I'm no genius when it comes to using the Registry editor, (it's a bit scary for me too!) but don't worry, provided you follow the steps outlined above you should have no troubles whatsoever.
I'll keep my eye on this section of the forum for the next couple of weeks in case anyone else has the same problem and requires a little help.
Good luck and.....


Last edited by RobertR; February 29th, 2008 at 02:54 AM.
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