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Old March 31st, 2002
chrysrobyn chrysrobyn is offline
Join Date: March 31st, 2002
Location: Austin, TX USA
Posts: 3
chrysrobyn is flying high
Default Features I want

I'm going to be buying the Pro version very shortly (today or tomorrow). I find the $8.50 more than reasonable. I'll even buy it again after 6 months if I get my feature requests.

There are some usability problems, likely Apple's fault. If they're Apple's fault, then Limewire should be able to take their estimated userbase size and ask Apple to fix them. If they can be coded around, Limewire could do that.

More importantly for all of us, I'm currently a freeloader. My cable company will kill my account if I upload more than 500MB/day. I'd prefer to kill the slide bar of upload speed and have a box I can type "5KB/s" (which I can only get to if I tell it I have a modem), which by my estimates, would make me uploading about 430MB/day if I have popular stuff. Likely harder to implement, I'd honestly prefer to have a field to say, "Go as fast as you please, but never upload more than 450MB/day, when you reach that, stop sharing my files until midnight". Of course, that field should be whatever the user wants. I hate the slidebar, because the scale changes based on what connection I type in, and the connection type impacts my maximum download speed (is that real or a false observation? if it's real, it's stupid.) I'm currently lieing to the service and telling it I have a T3 and not a cable modem because I observe faster downloads.
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