I actually have a problem of negative downloading in that I set up my computer to run overnight and the % completeness of the file is LESS in the morning than when I left the computer at night. The file seems to be downloading at a normal sort of speed (I usually get 24-31 kbps total) so I don't understand what's going on, but obviously I want the particular film I'm trying to download and am getting frustrated that it seems to be permanently stuck on 52%. Has anyone else had this, particularly with the film ****?
I often leave my computer running overnight since have a download quota during the day and un-quota'd downloading midnight-8am, hence do all my video downloading overnight. I don't know if this is somehow the problem (Is it not saving the downloaded information properly? It's a laptop and the battery is pretty useless so I have it plugged into a timer so the computer goes off before the 8am cut-off time for unquota'd downloads, it is set to and successfully goes into standby at that point), or if it's something to do with my ISP restricting P2P downloads, a firewall problem .... or something else completely! Does anyone have any ideas?
Last edited by Sleepless; March 10th, 2008 at 10:49 PM.
Reason: Go read the rules