Thread: Spyware
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  #13 (permalink)  
Old March 11th, 2008
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Yep ... unfortunately you were tricked by PestPatrol. Once upon a time they were p2p safe, but they changed their programming approach and attitude a few years ago. Whilst generally a good program, it is not suitable for p2p. What it will often do is in fact remove parts of the LW program leaving it unusable and difficult to fully uninstall properly.

It will have a safe list in its options for LW. So put LW on it's option list.

You may need to clean up your registry with a utility, I'd recommend Crap Cleaner for this. It is fast.

I'd also recommend either put LW on PP's safe list, else disable it (may need to contact ISP to do that as sometimes it's a security extra option), and instead use those I recommended.

Then try installing LW again if you wish. But keep in mind about tips in the blue warning link in post #7 above.
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