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Old March 12th, 2008
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ursula ursula is offline
Cleaning Lady
Join Date: May 17th, 2002
Location: koyaanisqatsi
Posts: 2,334
ursula is a great assister to others; your light through the dark tunnel

Hiya and Welcome !!!

We need more info from you in order to help...

What do you have in your car for a player ?
Is it a CD player that is supposed to be compatible with .mp3 files as well as 'normal' CDA ?

Or, is it a BlueTooth system that is supposed to work with a BlueTooth compatible .mp3 player ?

Or.... What ???

p.s. You will notice that I have changed the original name of your thread/post...
Remember that the more clear you make your first post(s), the quicker you will receive (maybe) helpful answers !!!

Don't panic... I am sure someone here will come up with a fix for you... Once we know more about your gear !!!
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