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Old March 13th, 2008
Jambo6c Jambo6c is offline
Join Date: March 12th, 2008
Posts: 5
Jambo6c is flying high

Updating the firmware works!

Ok, so here's officially how to fix this problem:
  1. Go to System Preferences (should be on the dock but if it's not, go; Finder > Macintosh HD [or whatever your Hard Drive is called] > Applications > System preferences)
  2. In the 'System' part of the window, go to 'Software Update' (the two blue arrows going around the .mac logo)
  3. Click 'Check Now'
  4. After it has checked, a list of downloadable updates will appear. Click 'Install'
  5. After the items have installed, the update will ask you to restart your Mac - do it
  6. After rebooting, a window should pop-up alerting you of an available Firmware Update you have downloaded. If not, click the magnifying glass at the top right of your screen (on your toolbar) type in 'Built-in Keyboard Firmware Update'
  7. (Your Mac must be connected to a power source for this step) Install the update - it should take under a minute
  8. Load up LimeWire

LimeWire should now run
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