Originally Posted by Peerless Aaron, in his self inflating importance, has again failed to give proper information on this subject....probably because he knows nothing about how things really work...
defragmentation will indeed speed up performance and overwrite some areas of your HDD...but not all...even if you defragment and then completely fill up your drive with data, there will still be possible areas where past data is accessible (even by free programs)...temp files, page files, etc....
about the only thing he has gotten right is that it is 'expensive' to truly retrieve data (and even getting that 'straight' answer was hard)....
for the truly worried I suggest totally wiping your HDD.... nuke your HDD |
Thank you peerless and Aaron for your input. I'll have to get around trying that nuke thing. This thing has had me so stressed out and sleepless recently. I feel like the only way to make sure things don't turn bad is to go to the authorities and tell them what happened, but I fear they won't believe me. Is there any way to anonymously ask for advice from the authorities on this matter?