Download stuck at 13% Hi
I posted this question yesterday, but the problem has still not been resolved
I am currently trying to download a movie, and have been trying for 2 days
Its reached 13%, and has gone up to 14%, but then reverts back to 13%.When i preview what i have downloaded, it always shows a 7.37 minute length, and wont increase
Everything seems ok , having checked the host, the file size of 739.7 mb,and the download speed is average
I have even sent a message to the host to see if he had a problem when downloading originally, but i did not get a reply
The movie is the EDIT, with english subs,(dvd rip spanish-english hard subs.fw.avi)
I have a completed movie,done about 3 days ago, but without the english subs.
Last edited by Remoc; March 23rd, 2008 at 02:10 PM.
Reason: Read The Forum Rules